JKI Flat UI Controls 1.0 Toolkit for LabVIEW
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At JKI, we have found that a professional user interface design can make a huge difference for LabVIEW applications. Freely available JKI Flat UI Controls Toolkit for LabVIEW provides a beautiful, professionally-designed set of LabVIEW controls that you can use on your own LabVIEW projects.
What is Included
We’ve included over 120 customized controls to fill the most important use cases when making a modern user interface. There are both light and dark color themes and every control has been designed using common best practices and with the utmost care for the visual communication each of them brings.
How Can You Use the Toolkit?
You can use the toolkit free of charge on commercial and non-commercial projects. You can even customize the controls to your project and branding needs. Altought you are allowed to freely use the toolkit in your products and projects you are not allowed to redistribute the toolkit itself.