Profusa is a start-up company made up of talented scientists and engineers working to develop a new generation of biosensors to monitor our body’s unique chemistry in an unprecedented way. At...
We're pleased to announce the availability of VI Package Manager 2016 Service Pack 1 (SP1)!
We're excited to announce that we have just open sourced our JSON serialization and deserialization library from LabVIEW. This library extends LabVIEW's native JSON serialization with powerful...
We’re proud to unveil JKI’s expanded services and capabilities for web development, professional user experience design, and data science. We’re also excited to announce the launch of our new website...
What happens when three JKI engineers walk into a solar hackathon armed with LabVIEW and a passion for solving technical challenges and making a big difference in the world? They win, of course!
We're pleased to announce the availability of VI Package Manager 2016!
At JKI, we love working on projects that make a big difference in the world: from biotech, to medical devices, to clean energy, and beyond.
Professional User Interface Design for LabVIEW
Do you have an important LabVIEW application that does not look very professional or modern?