At a recent JKI Team “LabVIEW Lunch” (where the team gets together to eat and talk shop), we were discussing best practices for using the JKI State Machine, an easy-to-use yet powerful state machine...
JKI is proud to be featured in the 2012 Q1 issue of NI's Instrumentation Newsletter. If you subscribe to it, the new issue is probably sitting on your desk right now! You can also read the Q1 2012...
If you went to NIWeek last week, you're probably spending this week like the JKI team: digging out from under an ever-burgeoning pile of neglected tasks. Hopefully you're having more success than I...
NIWeek 2011 begins next week! All of us at JKI are excited to catch up with old friends again – and make new ones. If you’ll be there, please come find us and say hello. We’ll be camped out in Big...
LabVIEW 2010 has been out for a couple months now. As promised, it contains a large number of new features (and fixes) to make life easier for LabVIEW developers and their customers. I've been...
Today, I was helping out on a new feature for VIPM 2010 (which is going to knock your socks off when we release it, but that's a different story).
One of the downsides of using splitter bars (panes) is that, even when a VI's main window is resizable, if you hide the scroll-bars of the bottom-right pane, the resize window image () goes away (as...