I am very proud to announce that Jack Dunaway just achieved the highest level of NI LabVIEW certification by passing the Certified LabVIEW Architect exam.
I am even prouder of Jack for doing this only 5 months after joining the JKI team and right before NIWeek, which is one of the busiest times of the year at JKI (when we're preparing for presentations, social activities, and product releases). Jack, too, was busy preparing for his NIWeek presentation on LabVIEW Community Involvement not to mention wrapping up customer projects.
Jack, you're a great example of the high-caliber LabVIEW talent at JKI, and I am very proud to have you on the JKI team! I'm a strong believer that LabVIEW Certification matters and your achievement of the CLA makes a big difference to both JKI and our customers, and (by adding one more expert LabVIEW developer to the world) helps increase the general perception of LabVIEW as a highly capable platform for solving the important challenges of our time.
Thanks for making us proud!
Jim Kring
Founder and CEO, JKI